Salsa Course FAQ

Where does the course take place?

The Salsa Course takes place at the dance studio on top of the Mellow & Joy bar. Make sure to take the steps to go upstairs. Here’s the address (click on the link for Google Maps instructions):

41 Đ. Ng. Thì Sĩ, Bắc Mỹ An, Ngũ Hành Sơn, Đà Nẵng 550000, Vietnam

What are the dates for the different sessions?

The 4 sessions for the Beginners Salsa Course take place on the following dates…please mark your calendars:

  1. 2.2.2023
  2. 9.2.2023
  3. 16.2.2023
  4. 23.2.2023

When do the sessions start/end?

We start at 7PM. The actual course runs from 7PM to 8:30PM and we’ll have a small social for the students of the class from 8:30PM to 9:00PM, where I’ll only play slow Salsa songs suitable for beginners.

Should I be on time?

Yes…the sessions starts at 7PM. We will NOT wait for students who run late.

What if I’m running late anyway?

Life happens…, I understand. Especially, if you work until 7PM, you’re excused if you run a little late. We’ll start the course anyway, though. Just send me a message letting me know at what time you’ll get there.

What kind of clothes should I wear?

Salsa is a fast pace dance, a Salsa class is a workout, you will break a sweat. Wear the same clothes you would wear to a gym or a Zumba class. Dressing up is NOT required and not recommended. Bring a towel and a water bottle.

What kind of shoes should I wear?

Ideal are dance shoes, but beginners are not expected to have those. Sneakers are fine. For ladies, shoes with heels are good, as long as the heels are not too high. Anything that firmly contains your foot. I don’t recommend sandals, and flip-flops are DEFINITELY a no-no! Dancing in socks is ok, but not recommended, barefoot is definitely NOT recommended (the soles of your feet have too much grip, and you’ll end up hurting yourself in turns).

If you want to buy dance shoes (leaders & followers), please let me know, I can point you into the right direction.

Can I bring friends to watch?

Please don’t! You and the other students count on an undisturbed environment…curious bystanders might intimidate the other students.

Can I bring friends to try out Salsa?

The idea of this course is to always have the same group of people, so that we can make progress together. If you have friends who want to give it a try, please invite them to the Salsa Workshop I run at Sala on Fridays, 7:30PM-9PM (cost 150k/person). They’ll be more than welcome there!

What about personal hygiene?

You will dance close to your partner, and you will SWEAT, so personal hygiene is a MUST! Please shower before the class, apply a deodorant and brush your teeth! I know, it sounds obvious, but believe me, I’ve seen (smelled??) MANY cases where this was not followed. Don’t be the onion in the class!

Will there be water/beverages during the course?

The studio itself doesn’t have a water fountain or beverages, but the associated bar downstairs and the Bros Cafe across the street has beverages and coffee…you can order from them, and they’ll be happy to bring it into the studio! The Cappuccino across the street (Bros Cafe) is actually quite good! I have it all the time!

How do I pay for the Course?

The price for the entire course is 500k VDN for all 4 sessions. You can pay in cash at the end of the first session. If you prefer making a bank transfer, you can transfer 500k BEFORE the first session into the following account:

Bank: BIDV

Account owner: Robert Bethge

Account #: 56510000530249

Can I pay for each session separately?

No, since I want to encourage people attending the entire course.

If I miss a session, will I get a refund?

Nope. Hey, it’s 500k…what is that…$20?

Can I take the first session and then decide whether I want to participate in the others (and pay?)
